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More Meniscus Injury Facts:

The application of cold compression is an simple, effective pain minimization treatment for minor meniscus injuries.

Left untreated, meniscus injuries can be extremely debilitating and lead to life long complications.

Several studies have concluded that a meniscal tear can lead to knee osteoarthritis.

Knee osteoarthritis will make you at higher risk of suffering a meniscal tear.

In older people whose menisci are more likely to be worn down, a tear can result from even a very minor injury.

Typical Home Conservative Treatment Options include:

  • Rest
  • Use a cold compression wrap to reduce pain, swelling.
  • Use a circulation boost therapy once swelling has reduced.
  • Once swelling is reduced and healing has begun, stretch the area as instructed by your physician (stretching=good, straining=bad)

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Complex Meniscus Tear Injuries

"Menisci" = plural form of meniscus
"Meniscal" is a term relating to a meniscus.

Menisci of the Knee - A Quick Overview

There are two menisci in each knee joint - the medial meniscus and the lateral meniscus; each of the menisci are "C" shaped and exist to cushion impact between the lower leg bone (shinbone) and the upper leg bone (thighbone). Medically speaking, the menisci are termed as "fibrocartilage" and are soft and rubber-like in nature. The medial meniscus is found on the inside of each knee joint whereas the lateral meniscus is found on the outside portion of each knee.

Menisci of the knee have the following important functions:

  • they help reduce wear
  • they protect against arthritis
  • they help disperse synovial fluid in the knee joint - helping assist with lubrication
  • they assist with stability of the knee joint, including over-rotation and joint slippage

Your menisci act much like a wedge to help naturally prevent over-rotation in the joint, but just as important, the menisci are the true shock absorbers in the knee joint. When walking, jumping or running, there are heavy forces exerted on the knees; your meniscus absorbs and disperses much of the forces instead of the ends of the bones (where the upper leg and lower leg meet in the knee joint) . If the ends of these bones absorb too much force, they will become damaged. It is also worth knowing that the amount of force exerted on the knee joint grows exponentially as speed of movement increases (ie. from walking to running) 1. If you are already suffering from some meniscus damage, it goes without saying that you want to minimize load on the knee joint when you are upright, so take care to avoid running and/or jumping as load forces multiply quite quickly with faster movements.

degenerative complex lateral meniscus tear

Both the medial and lateral meniscus pads sit on top of the tibia bone (lower leg bone) and form a concave surface for the rounded ends of the femur bone (upper leg bone) to rest on. These menisci act like suction cups to help hold the tibia and femur bones together in the joint. Both lateral and medial menisci are held in place with 'root' attachments at the very posterior aspect of the meniscus (back of the knee) - this area being known as the "posterior horn". As the name suggests, it roots the tissue in place inside the knee, providing stability and helping prevent the meniscus from being squeezed out of place by the bones of your knee (like a toothpaste out a tube). Both the lateral and medial menisci are also attached at the anterior horn location where it attaches to the tibia via the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) which is in the center front of the knee. The medial meniscus has a third point of attachment at the Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL) which is found on the medial (inner) side of the knee. As the medial meniscus has 3 points of attachment, compared to only 2 points for the lateral meniscus, there is less freedom of movement of the medial meniscus in the knee joint. This reduced freedom of movement is one of the primary reasons that the medial meniscus is damaged more often than the lateral meniscus - basically, the medial meniscus is less forgiving.

What is a Complex Meniscus Tear?

The shape of your meniscus tear is important because it will help determine the type of treatment you receive; some tears will heal without surgery, some can be treated surgically and some can't be fixed. Tears come in many shapes and sizes, however there are 3 basic shapes for all meniscal tears: longitudinal, horizontal, and radial. If these tears are not treated, they may become more damaged and develop a displaced tear often referred to as a bucket handle tear (longitudinal), flap tear (horizontal) or parrot beak tear (radial). Complex tears are a combination of two or more of these basic shapes with damage occurring in more than one direction and depth.

A complex meniscus tear means that there is a combination of meniscus tear patterns.

Sports Related Complex Meniscal Tear Injuries

A complex meniscal tear is most often experienced in younger people due to a sports related traumatic event. The forces on the knee can become so great that the meniscus is squished and pulled at the same time. Large, diverse stresses at different stress points can tear the meniscus into more than one tear shape. Often times, when you have such a traumatic injury, you are suffering from MCL or ACL ligament tears at the same time and surgery is needed to both repair what can be repaired and remove some or all of the meniscus if needed.

Degenerative Complex Meniscal Tear Injuries

Complex tear posterior horn meniscal tear

Natural degeneration of soft tissue in the body is experienced as we age, and this changes the surface of meniscal tissue as well. As we age, the meniscus gets thinner; if we have subjected the menisci to a lot of heavy use over the years, they will wear out more rapidly. Wear and degeneration usually manifests itself in the inner edges of the meniscus starting to fray, as the inner edges are where the meniscus is thinnest. Degenerative changes to the knee happen slowly, so you may eventually suffer a torn lateral meniscus from a simple daily activity - it can happen unexpectedly. Although you may not have suffered from a previous meniscus injury, you are still at risk for degeneration of your meniscal tissue over time - especially if you have placed frequent repetitive stress on the knee joints over the years. Past events in your history make a difference on the severity of degeneration. Examples of such events might be:

  • You may have had a very active lifestyle and suffered a slight meniscus injury in your youth that has not bothered you for years.
  • You have worked a demanding job for many years that included repetitive squatting, twisting or kneeling.

Weakened meniscal tissue can tear from relatively little to no stress on the tissue. You may not even notice that something has happened to your knee until it becomes worse and you begin to feel continued pain. The most common type of complex tear is a combination of horizontal and radial tears.

Learn more about specific types of meniscus tears here

Your Age, Health & Activity Level Can Influence Your Meniscal Healing Rate.

non surgical treatment for torn meniscus

Your age will directly influence the cause of your meniscus injury. It's been proven that the meniscus becomes weaker over time resulting in degenerative meniscal tears; 60% of individuals over the age of 65 will experience a degenerative meniscus tear.2

A degenerative tear would require partial meniscectomy to remove damaged and displaced tissue. A meniscal repair isn't possible to fix degenerative damage because of the jagged and torn nature of the meniscus. A meniscal repair of degenerative tissue would be very difficult to perform and reduces the rate of success for healing. Because of this fact, your age increases the likelihood that your surgeon will feel that your tear can't be repaired.

What Causes A Complex Meniscus Tear?

Anyone can injure their meniscus, though a complex meniscus tear most often occurs due to degeneration of the meniscal tissue. People under the age of 20 almost always suffer complex meniscal tears due to sports activities. As you age, however, the likelihood of your meniscus tear occurring due to a sport activity decreases whereas a degenerative causal factor rises. Complex tears experienced by 80% of individuals between the ages of 40 to 59 were caused by either a non-sports related traumatic incident or with no identifiable cause.

Acute Injury

A complex meniscus injury can happen from sudden and traumatic accidents. This can happen from sudden changes in direction with the leg - like when your foot is fixed / planted on the ground and a twisting force is applied to your knee. It can also get injured with a combination of excessive straightening or bending of the knee which is what happens in a forceful jump or landing, and / or direct side impact to the knee joint.

Complex tears due to acute injury:

  • Most commonly occur in the medial meniscus - as opposed to the lateral meniscus.
  • Most commonly occur in younger aged athletes.
  • Often occur in combination with ligament and/or tendon damage at the same time. (ie. torn ACL)

Athletes that play sports where their knee is bent have an increased risk of getting a complex meniscus injury. This includes athletes who participate in sports like volleyball, football, soccer, tennis, basketball, baseball, hockey, weight lifters and racket sports.


complex lateral meniscus  tear

Everyone can be affected by degeneration of their meniscus over time, edges of the meniscus become frayed, jagged, thin, and brittle. Any repetitive or frequent movement can place stress on your meniscus over the years. The knee joint itself suffers degenerative changes such as arthritis, osteoarthritis and/or cartilage thinning on the ends of the bones. This gradual wear and tear on the knees comes for overuse, repetitive knee movements, twisting or prolonged weight bearing activities. Degenerative changes to the knee happen slowly, so you may suffer a torn meniscus from a simple daily activity. You need to be aware that this injury can happen to anyone and happens more often the older you are. It is not just isolated to athletes!

What are Symptoms of a Complex Meniscus Tear?

If you've suffered a traumatic sudden injury to your knee while playing sports, swelling to your knee will happen within a few hours after the injury or in the following days. Your knee may feel unstable and you may also experience more intense pain when bending, walking, or twisting your knee. You'll continue to feel some tenderness on the outer part of your knee. You may also find that you are unable to move your knee (locking) or a damaged meniscus is catching when you flex the joint.

Mild, degenerative complex meniscus tears are much more subtle, usually manifesting through knee pain that increases over time. You may or may not have swelling after exercise or daily activities. If you do have pain, you may possibly feel weakness and instability in your knee. You may feel your knee experiencing mild catching, snapping or clicking when it is being flexed.

As a degenerative complex meniscus tear becomes more severe, you might feel a 'giving-way' sensation (instability) in your knee and your knee may be more likely to lock up. Pain may increase with certain activities, like climbing a set of stairs, kneeling to do simple things such as putting away groceries or squatting to pick up something you may have dropped.

If you're suffering for a chronic complex meniscus injury you may have developed a limp due to severe pain and/or you may be unable to stand for long periods of time. A chronic injury could also result in your knee 'buckling' when weight is placed on it and/or loss of range of motion. You may develop a 'cyst' bulging out from the back or side your knee. The cyst may decrease your range of movement and leave you with an inability to stretch out your knee. You may also experience tightness due to swelling and tenderness around your knee.

How Do I Diagnose a Complex Meniscus Tear?

Posterior Horn meniscus diagnosis

A complex meniscus tear is diagnosed via the same methods that any meniscus tear is diagnosed - by a visit to your doctor for a physical examination of the knee. Range of motion tests will be done to see how much movement has been lost in the knee. There are many conditions other than meniscus injuries that can cause knee pain such as an ACL tear, patellar or quadriceps tendinitis, a fracture, arthritis or knee bursitis. Getting a proper diagnosis is important so you can treat your condition correctly. Having said that, if you are experiencing locking or catching in the knee joint, odds are good that there is either meniscus damage or articular cartilage damage (or both).

Your doctor may consider previous knee injuries or joint stiffness that you may have had in the past. This will help the doctor to determine if you have a more complex injury in your knee and rule out any other knee injuries that may be present.

A set of range of motion tests will be completed by the doctor including the McMurray's Test, joint line tenderness and the Ege's test. Your knee might hurt from the doctor poking and prodding at it, but by doing this the doctor will know for sure the source of your pain, the level of tenderness in and around your knee and how well your knee can move with this condition.

It's possible for your doctor to think you have a medial meniscus tear if the physical tests and pain present near the opposite side of the knee. This most commonly happens with posterior lateral meniscus tears. The only way to know for sure where your tear is located and what type of tear you have is through diagnostic testing via an MRI. Even then, if the tear is expected to be on the medial (innermost) side of the knee, the MRI may not take an image at an angle needed to see the tear on the lateral side. (source: Campbells' Operative Orthopaedics Twelfth Edition)

lateral meniscus mri

Your doctor may suggest diagnostic testing to obtain more detailed information, and assess the amount and/or type of damage done to your knee and meniscus. There are a variety of different tests available to help them analyze the situation; and the recommendation will be dependent on your injury. X-rays will provide an image of the overall bone structure of your knee. It's helpful in identifying abnormal bone shapes, fractures, arthritis, or loose bones and bone abnormalities that may mimic a torn meniscus.

Other tests like a bone scan, MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) or blood tests may be done if an x-ray looks normal or the doctor is unsure whether you have a fracture. These tests will also rule out any infections of the bone or tissue and help to determine if you are suffering from other injuries like arthritis or osteoarthritis (degenerative damage).

If you are experiencing a build up of fluid in the knee, your doctor may aspirate (use a needle) to remove fluid from the joint to check for bacterial infection. Your doctor will be able to determine whether there is an infection or not by drawing a small sample of the synovial fluid with a needle. If it is determined that there is an infection, you will be prescribed antibiotics to get rid of the infection and the physician may pursue deeper inspections into determining the source o infection.

To Start Recovery, Healing Time must be Minimized with Effective Treatment Options

If you have a meniscus injury, it's very important to heal it quickly and completely. Minimizing the healing time should be an obvious goal, as a chronic Posterior Horn meniscus tear will limit your ability to go about your daily routine for a long period of time. Unfortunately, if your tear is too large, the shape is degenerative and/or complex in nature, or the shape has created displaced tissue it is likely you will not qualify for a meniscal repair. If you have to undergo surgery on your meniscus, your physician will quickly get you on the path to rehabilitation. Now, the aggressiveness of the rehabilitation efforts will depend on a variety of factors including (but not limited to): your age, the state of your injury before surgery, the location of the meniscus tear and how soon will you return to normal activity.

A seemingly small, nagging injury in your meniscus that's not properly treated can lead to a chronic painful degenerative Posterior Horn meniscus tear that can persist for months or even years if not properly treated.

Meniscus surgery is the most commonly performed orthopedic surgery in the United States1 and, by their very nature of significant damage, complex meniscus tears frequently require surgical solutions.. Physicians understand that the function of the meniscus is very important and at this time, implants used to replace a meniscus have indicated poor results. Knowing the heavy correlation between meniscus deficiency and osteoarthritis, doctors are doing everything they can to try and repair - or at least save some of the meniscus rather than removing it entirely. If you receive good news from your doctor, he or she will predict that your meniscus can be successfully healed through the use of conservative treatment therapies - without resorting to knee surgery. If you have been given news that you're going to need surgery, once surgery is complete your doctor will once again start you on home conservative therapies. Talk to your doctor about when you can incorporating the Knee TShellz Wrap® into your home treatment plan during your post surgery recovery.

Posterior Meniscus Tear Home Conservative Treatment Options

Step 1 - Reduce Pain and Swelling with Cold Compression

The first step for conservative treatment of a meniscus tear is to reduce the swelling in the knee to "open up" the area for more blood flow. Anyone in the health-care business knows that your blood supplies the oxygen and much needed nutrients required to heal soft tissue tears. This is why for years, doctors, trainers, and other medical professionals have recommended RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) to treat the pain and swelling of fresh injuries, chronic pain, re-injuries and overcompensation strains.

This is important because once blood vessels are blocked or damaged, they can no longer carry oxygenated blood to your damaged tissue so this tissue begins to break-down. Without cold therapytissue damage and break-down continue as they cannot get the oxygen they need to survive By limiting the amount of damage done to the meniscus (and other soft tissue in the knee), you also limit the amount of healing that needs to occur. Arresting the damage (preventing the injury from worsening), is an extremely important step to get quickly on the path heal both acute or chronic knee injuries faster and with less pain.

Use a Cold Compress or Ice Pack:

  • 24 to 72 hours after your initial injury or when you first notice pain and swelling in your knee to stop tissue damage, relieve pain, and decrease swelling.
  • After exercise, workouts or activity of any kind to prevent re-injury of your knee.
  • Before and after surgery during rehabilitation to control pre and post-surgery pain and swelling.
  • Anytime you feel your knee is painful or you're having a flare-up of an old injury.
  • Anytime you have swelling, sharp throbbing pain or inflammation in your knee.
  • Any other situation where you need to draw the pain and inflammation out of your knee.

Step 2 - Improve Circulation, Soften Scar Tissue & Prevent Re-Injury with a TShellz Wrap®

Quite a few people think their meniscus is healed after their swelling and inflammation are gone and their knee feels better. They also make the mistake of returning to regular activities too soon without proper time for healing. The truth is that healing takes time and after the swelling is gone, your meniscus injury isn't even close to being fully healed. Proper healing takes time - especially when it comes to cartilage, and quite often meniscal damage can persist without the presence of pain or swelling.

After the inflammation in and around your knee has been reduced, providing extra blood flow and strengthening the meniscus (and other soft tissue in the knee joint) is recommended. Believe it or not, the best time for you to focus on avoiding re-injury and strengthening the weakened tissue in your knee is when the swelling is gone and your meniscus has started to heal. It's vital that you don't go back to activities too soon because you can easily bring about a major setback in your recovery...

  • Have you recently re-injured your meniscus by returning to your normal daily activities too quickly?
  • How many times in the past have you aggravated your knee just trying to perform basic tasks around your house?
  • Is your torn meniscus preventing you from work or activities you love to do?

If this sounds like you - You're not alone...

Most people we deal with tell us these scenarios have happened to them many times in the past. The real challenge is how to promote blood flow to your injured meniscus without causing further damage. This goal is even more complicated by the fact that you have to use your knee for nearly everything in your active life.

What can you do to actually start healing your meniscus?

knee surgery meniscus gauze wrap

The answer is simple. Your body can heal itself and it's the blood in your body that makes it all happen. Your blood is how everything that's good inside of you is transported directly to your injured meniscus tissue. Your blood carries oxygen, nutrients and water right to the source of your injury and pain. Bringing proper blood flow to your injured meniscus is essential to healing.

Promoting blood flow around injured tissue to help the body heal itself is a concept that's been used for centuries. Oxygen and nutrients, carried in your own blood, are critical for the body to heal itself. Without adequate blood flow, recovering from your meniscus injury will be slow... sometimes so slow that it cannot keep up with natural degeneration over time.

Even though the concept is simple, getting more blood flow to a meniscal injury is often harder than it seems. Traditional methods require you to move your sore/stiff knee in order to promote blood flow, but this same motion that promotes blood flow can also make your pain and meniscus injury much worse (especially if you need to immobilize your knee during surgery recovery). Relying on movement alone to increase blood flow puts you in danger of re-injuring your meniscus.

So what do you do when you need to increase blood flow, but you can't move your knee without re-injuring your meniscus?

This is where the Knee TShellz Wraps® come in!


Increase blood flow to meniscus

Regular treatments with a Knee TShellz Wrap® will increase blood circulation in the area, reduce pain and stiffness and increase overall flexibility in the area of application (yes, the knee - or anywhere you put it). Increased blood flow will whisk away damaged tissue, toxins, and any bacteria in or around your injured meniscus to promote more effective healing. Getting rid of toxins will allow all of the positive healing processes to start in your injury. Increasing blood flow will also increase the amount of oxygen that's being sent to your injured tissue AND boost your tissue's ability to absorb oxygen. (reference: link)

Remember, the meniscus is cartilage and does not receive much blood flow naturally. When you rest your knee, you are not creating the natural blood flow your knee usually receives. With the use of a TShellz Wrap® you can increase your body's blood supply to the knee to assist the body in its recovery process.

  • When treating any soft tissue injury, an effective treatment will increase blood flow to the injury while the joint is immobile.
  • This increase in blood flow will help maximize the body's own capability to heal itself.

Increased Blood Circulation = Increased Healing Capability

TShellz Wraps® contain a unique Carbon Fiber Energy Pad which is flexible and will shape to conform to your body. This Energy Pad emits a uniform wave of perfectly safe energy over its entire surface. This energy is absorbed by soft tissue in the treatment area, opening blood vessels, resulting in an increase in blood flow. Increased blood circulation is what your body needs to accelerate the healing of soft tissue and this is why we recommend the TShellz Wrap®.

The Knee TShellz Wrap® is an FDA Registered Medical Device and is suitable for use in therapeutic clinics and FROM HOME. It is completely safe for people and patients to use for themselves.

The technology found in a TShellz Wrap® has been used for decades in the worlds of professional and amateur sports - a contributing factor as to why athletes seem to recover from injuries so quickly.

Have you ever wondered by an athlete can often return to activity after 4 to 8 weeks following a knee injury - while your average person takes much longer to return back to normal? The secret isn't really that much of a secret - it involves consistent treatments (meaning multiple times a day) using a device similar to the TShellz Wrap® to stimulate blood flow to the injured tissues. Most athletes have the luxury of using in-house facilities many times per day.

How many us can afford the time and money to visit a clinic multiple times a day? Very few indeed. This is how you can gain some of the advantages that athletes enjoy in their injury recovery - by using a device like the TShellz Wrap® two or three times a day on a consistent basis.

Consistent Treatments = Consistent And Long Term Improvement

What Else Makes the Knee TShellz Wrap® So Special?

tshellz knee adjustable wrap for meniscus tear

We believe the TShellz Wrap® to be one of the most effective home treatments to increase localized blood flow in and around the treatment area (which would be the knee). To get more blood flow to the area, you need to either use the knee or use a localized enhanced circulation device. Since using a damaged meniscus is out of the question, if you want to accelerate blood flow to the meniscus, you need a Knee TShellz Wrap®

We can promise that you will receive a product that is designed to be safe and does what it is supposed to do... reduce pain (as stated in "Therapeutic Heat and Cold", 4th edition. - Ed. Justus F. Lehmann, M.D., Williams, and Wilkin) temporarily increase length & flexibility of soft tissue (as stated in "Therapeutic Heat and Cold", 4th edition. - Ed. Justus F. Lehmann, M.D., Williams, and Wilkin) and aid your body in recovering from tendon, muscle and other soft tissue injuries via enhanced blood flow.

order Leg T•Shellz Wrap

The unit plugs into a standard wall outlet to get its power. The nice thing about the power supply is that the same unit can be used in North America and overseas as well. It has the capability to operate between 110v and 230v.

The TShellz Wrap® has a special signal controller that can be set for 3 different power levels of application (3=High, 2=Medium, 1=Low). The cord is long enough that you can sit or lie comfortably and watch TV, read or surf the net while you're using it.

Treatments are max 30 minutes in duration and the device can be worn over clothing. This allows you to use the device at work, at home, or really anywhere you have access to an electrical outlet.

We recommend 5 to 10 minute treatments to start; the safety shutoff controller is set to max 30 minutes in duration. The device can be worn over clothing and allows you to use the device at work, at home, or really anywhere you have access to an electrical outlet.

A Recap of the Benefits of the Knee TShellz Wrap®..

  • Our Knee TShellz Wraps® can fit ANYWHERE on the knee - side, back and front.
  • It can be used before activity or exercise to warm up tissue in the knee to reduce the risk of further injury
  • knee T•Shellz Wrap
  • FDA Registered medical device for use in home or clinics - very high quality
  • Temporarily increases flexibility and length of soft tissue (reducing the re-injury factor)
  • It soothes pain and whisks away toxins
  • Carbon fiber Energy Pad is strong, lightweight, and flexible - contours very easily
  • A boost in blood flow helps maximize the body's ability to recover from soft tissue damage. This can be beneficial in saving time and money when associated with doctor or physio visits
  • A boost in blood flow will maximize the body's ability to recover quickly. This can be beneficial in post-surgery rehabilitation, getting you back to work faster. Do not use until at least 6 weeks after surgery, and only after approval from your doctor.

The benefits of TShellz Wrap® do not end once your knee pain stops! Even once your meniscus troubles are mostly behind you, your activities can put your knee at risk of an overuse injury, tightness, or another tear. A TShellz Wrap® treatment before activity is an easy way to warm up the knee tissues and prepare them for use. Then, end your day with another treatment to prevent tightness from setting in overnight. This incredible healing tool will be the ticket to healthy knees for years to come!

When Should I Use My TShellz Wrap® During the Day?

The most common question we receive from individuals prior to purchasing is - how many times a day should I be using my wrap and when should I be using them? While treatment plans will differ for each individual and their specific injury, there are general guidelines that should be adhered to.

  • Use a Cold Compress or Ice Pack when you are experiencing inflammation (usually after exertion or movement of the injury area).

The TShellz Wrap® would then be used:

  • Right after rising from bed in the morning (as this is when your knee is often stiff)
  • Prior to going to bed at night (to relax the area and allow for better sleep)
  • Before you know you will be using your injured joint (going to work, driving, typing, etc).

Use a Knee TShellz® Circulatory Boost Wrap:

  • After swelling and inflammation have been reduced with cold compression.
  • Before exercise or workouts to warm up your knee to reduce your risk of re-injury.
  • Before and after surgery during rehabilitation to warm up soft tissue in your knee before physical therapy, exercising or stretching.
  • Anytime you feel the tissue in your knee has stiffened up, is tight and your mobility is reduced causing you more pain.
  • Any other situation where you need to increase blood flow to your knee to relax your soft tissue, relieve pain, prevent re-injury and enhance flexibility of your tissue.
healing your knee

Increased Blood Flow = More Oxygen, More Nutrients and Less Toxins = Healthier Tissue

We believe the use of TShellz Wraps® for boosting blood flow in the area of application is one of the most under-utilized home treatment options available on the market today. We have client after client that have tried many options out there and have been amazed at how effective and fast the TShellz Wrap treatment can relieve pain and increase localized blood flow in the treatment area.

The TShellz Wraps significantly increase bloodflow to tissue in the treatment area - period. With regular use of the Knee TShellz Wrap:

  • Your pain will be reduced*.
  • With increased blood flow, tissue in the area will recover at an accelerated rate*.
  • Due to increased warmth in soft tissue, the corresponding joint will have a larger range of motion and increased extensibility of collagen tissue*. This should translate into a reduced rate of injury occurrance as soft tissue becomes more flexible.
    (*Chapter 9 of "Therapeutic Heat and Cold", 4th edition. (amazon.com link - Ed. Justus F. Lehmann, M.D., Williams, and Wilkin)

Attach the TShellz Wrap® around your leg, plug it in and let the Energy Pad do the work!

*Know that every personal soft tissue injury is unique and the TShellz Wrap may not work for everyone. This is why we offer a 60-day full money back return on all our TShellz Wrap devices.

Stage 3 - In Between Treatments With TShellz Wrap®, Apply Our New Fast Acting Pain Relief Cream Called ARNICA INFUSION

Dealing with aches and pains affecting the foot, ankle, leg, knee, hamstring, hip, back, arm, shoulder, elbow, wrist, or hand? If so, then applying the Arnica Infusion to any of these targeted areas will bring about fast relief from the pain and sore tissues. Simply apply a small amount of cream to the body and moments later, you will experience a soothing and comforting sensation over the area.

Arnica Infusion is specially designed to relieve pain due to sore muscles and joints associated with arthritis, backaches, sprains, strains, and bruises. No matter if you are dealing with an acute injury, chronic pain, or a general "flare-up" - you will experience fast relief from pain and inflammation.

mendmeshop arnica pain relief cream

This is a product that many of our current MendMeShop customers asked us to develop. So we focused our time and resources over the past few years and came up, with we believe, will be one of more effective, fast acting, topical pain relief creams on the market.

You are likely familiar with some of the standard topical agents on the market as most of our customers use them. The are mass marketed and even found in most department stores now.

Well, we are here to say that Arnica Infusion goes many steps beyond what they offer.

Made in the USA at an FDA registered manufacturing facility, you can be assured that Arnica Infusion is both safe and effective. We only source top grade ingredients while implementing strict quality control checks during every step of the production process. Expect the same high quality that MendMeShop customers have been accustomed to since we started the company in 2005.

The "Cool Blue" formula is the perfect balance between the smooth application of a cream and the effective absorbing factor of a gel. It is not too thick and not too thin - just the right texture. Best of all, it feels very nice on the skin!

Each application of Arnica Infusion feels so comforting and soothing, we are certain it will become an item you will not want to live without.

Arnica Infusion Ingredients

The Arnica Infusion formula is based on a combination of scientific research and the use of high quality ingredients. The properties within the formula were chosen for their pain relief, anti-inflammatory, and soothing qualities.

The acting ingredients within the formula include ones many of us are familiar with; along with ones that have not received a lot of publicity (only in research circles). Extensive testing resulted in a blending of ingredients that provides the most synergistic of benefits.

The notable ingredients in the Arnica Infusion formula include:

  • Arnica - powerful anti-inflammatory, speeds recovery, enhances circulation
  • Menthol - provides deep penetrating pain relief with a nice cooling sensation
  • Vitamin B6 - promotes normal nerve function
  • MSM - supports healthy connective tissues, anti-inflammatory
  • Ilex Leaf Extract - increases circulation, skin conditioner
  • Vitamin E - anti-inflammatory, enhances circulation, hydrates the skin
  • Aloe - anti-inflammatory properties, soothes the skin
  • Tea Tree - enhances penetration of ingredients

Extensive quality control procedures during the manufacturing process ensure the ingredients and final product are both safe and effective. We would not stake our reputation on anything but the best.

When Do I Apply the Arnica Infusion?

While At Work

Apply Arnica Infusion at work to help reduce acute discomfort associated with overuse of muscles and joints. No matter if you are in a physical demanding job or work within an office environment, you will be placing stress on different parts of the body and aches and pains will result.

Before Or After Work, Sports, & Activity

If you suffer from a sprained ligament, pulled muscle, strained tendon, or even bruising - apply Arnica Infusion for quick relief of the pain.

Chronic Pain Suffering

Application of Arnica Infusion can be done up to a maximum of 4 times per day on a consistent basis to help bring about relief from various pains and aches.

In-between Treatments With the TShellz Wraps®

Follow up your T-Shellz and Cold treatments with an application of Arnica Infusion. Combine the pain relieving benefits of Arnica Infusion along with the healing benefits of the wraps to make your recovery go much more smoothly.

Do not apply Arnica Infusion within a 2 hour timespan before a TShellz Wrap® treatment.

Whether you decide to use the Arnica Infusion in conjunction with the TShellz Wrap® and other treatments - or if you decide to use the cream as a stand-alone product - you will not be disappointed with the results. We guarantee it.

Step 4: Passive Knee Stretching...
an Essential Tool for Complete Knee Injury Recovery

Before making the transition to crutches, physical therapists prescribe gentle stretching of an injured knee. They don't prescribe this to annoy you - it is in fact the most important part of knee injury recovery. You probably know of someone that chose not to do these stretches as it is common - and they paid a high price for it. By not listening to the therapist (ie. not stretching), there is a huge chance of re-injuring your knee or even sustaining an injury greater than the original injury ever was.

Incorporating passive knee stretches into your treatment routine (when your physician or physical therapists says you are ready to do so) not only helps minimize the growth of scar tissue, but it also increases the elasticity and strength of the joint. After utilizing passive knee stretches over time, your knee joint will be better prepared to handle higher and higher loads. Eventually you will reach a stage where your knee joint can handle crutches or standing for longer and longer period of time. This is the final stage of recovery and depending on age, the nature of the injury, your weight and many other factors, it can take the longest time to complete. But remember, for knee injuries, it pays to be patient! Rushing your knee injury recovery almost never pays.

We Guarantee That If You Use Our Products on Your Meniscus for 60 days as Directed, Your Pain Will be Greatly Reduced or Eliminated and Your Joint Flexibility will Increase. If This Does Not Happen, We Will Refund Your Money.

We are an FDA Registered Company, and our TShellz Wrap, also known as a Circulatory Boost Wrap, is an FDA Registered Medical Device suitable for use in hospitals and therapeutic clinics. Since it is deemed safe for patients to use themselves, the TShellz Wrap can be used for home treatment.

A Note On OverCompensation

Since you are reading this, you probably know that serious meniscus injuries do not just disappear. Over time, they usually wreak havoc on other joints in the body due to lack of movement and over-compensation. Recovery takes a longer time for such chronic (long term) injuries, but proper healing is essential to regain strength and get you back to the activities you enjoy.

The longer your injury endures, the greater the risk of running into serious overcompensation injuries.

To Stop Re-Injury & Reduce the Risk of a More Serious Overcompensation Injury, You Need to Heal Quickly & Completely!

Anyone in need of rapid recovery and complete healing must consider a comprehensive treatment plan that includes an effective means to minimize swelling and inflammation yet also stimulate healing and tissue elasticity. We have found no better set of tools that can be used at home than this:

Conservative Treatment Tools Our Clients Have Used to Help
Limit Damage & Boost The Body's Soft Tissue Repair Process to the Knee at Home:

  • A Cold Compress or Ice Pack to reduce inflammation wherever there is pain and/or swelling (as soon as possible).
  • A Knee TShellz Wrap® to increase blood-flow to the treatment area (Circulatory Boost).
  • MendMeShop Arnica Pain Cream for temporary relief of pain due to sore muscles and joints.
  • A High Quality Knee Pillow if you are experiencing discomfort when resting or trying to sleep (or you want .
  • A Knee Support Sleeve for light joint compression and support for knee instability.
  • An Exercise & Stretching Plan to prevent muscle atrophy and shortened tendons in the Knee joint. A proper plan will increase elasticity and strengthen the muscles and tendons in the hip, knee, and ankle.

Conservative treatment tools just like these have been used successfully by thousands of knee injury sufferers - just like you.

TShellz Wrap® = Enhanced Blood Flow in the Treatment Area

We believe the use of TShellz® Circulatory Boost Wraps for boosting blood flow to soft tissue in the area of application is one of the most under-utilized home treatment options available on the market today. We have client after client that have tried many options out there and have been amazed at how effective and fast the TShellz Wrap treatment helped relieve their pain while increasing blood flow in the knee.

With regular use of the Knee TShellz® Circulatory Boost Wrap:

  • Your pain will be reduced*.
  • Due to increased blood flow, soft tissue in the treatment area on the knee will be expected to recover at an accelerated rate with reduced potential for re-injury*.
  • Tissue in the treated area should experience a larger range of motion and increased extensibility of collagen tissue* due to the heat effect on soft tissue. This should translate into a reduced rate of re-injury occurrence as soft tissue is known to lengthen and become more flexible when exposed to warm temperature. (*Chapter 9 of "Therapeutic Heat and Cold", 4th edition. (amazon.com link - Ed. Justus F. Lehmann, M.D., Williams, and Wilkin)

*Know that every personal soft tissue injury is unique and the TShellz Wrap may not work for everyone. This is why we offer a 60-day money back return on all our TShellz Wrap devices.

Our conservative treatment formula including a Cold Compress or Ice Pack , a Knee TShellz Wrap® and Passive Stretching will assist you in recovering from your injury faster and reduce your chance of suffering from degenerative conditions (like arthritis) by maximizing blood flow where it's needed most and reducing swelling / inflammation induced pain.

Click HERE to Go To Our Online Store We take all major credit cards and Paypal.
If you have questions, call our office at 1-866-237-9608 (toll free continental US).
We are currently offering FREE SHIPPING and a 60 day trial period on all our Wraps.

Product Advisors are available 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Eastern Standard Time Monday to Friday.

Learn More About Meniscus Injuries & Treatments

I want to learn more about Post-Surgery Recovery

I want to learn all about Types, Patterns, Shapes & Severity of Meniscus Tears

I want to learn more about TShellz Wrap® Circulatory Boost

I want to learn more about Ice & Heat: Which Is Better For Treatment?

I want to learn more about Meniscus Treatments

I want to learn more about different types of Meniscus Surgery


During your recovery, you will probably have to modify and/or eliminate any activities that cause pain or discomfort at the location of your soft tissue injury until the pain and inflammation settle. The more diligent you are with your treatment and rehabilitation, the faster you will see successful results!


1."Meniscus Tear". 2019. Physioworks.Com.Au. Accessed July 25 2019. website.

2."Meniscal Lesions: Diagnosis And Treatment". 2019. Medscape. Accessed July 25 2019. website.

Learn More About Meniscus Injuries & Treatments

I want to learn more about Post-Surgery Recovery

I want to learn all about Types, Patterns, Shapes & Severity of Meniscus Tears

I want to learn more about TShellz Wrap® Circulatory Boost

I want to learn more about Ice & Heat: Which Is Better For Treatment?

I want to learn more about Meniscus Treatments

I want to learn more about different types of Meniscus Surgery


During your recovery, you will probably have to modify and/or eliminate any activities that cause pain or discomfort at the location of your soft tissue injury until the pain and inflammation settle. The more diligent you are with your treatment and rehabilitation, the faster you will see successful results!


Meniscus Injury Facts:

Knee injuries are very common, meniscus injuries occur in most sports, but most commonly occur in contact sports.

Meniscus Injuries often occur in combination with ligament injuries, particularly when the medial meniscus is involved.

Injury to the medial meniscus is about 5 times more common than injury to the lateral meniscus.

Oral medications can mask the pain but do not aid in the healing of meniscus injuries. Pain killers can lead to further injury if the patient continues to put load on a damaged meniscus since there is an absence of pain.

Peak incidence of acute meniscal tears happens in men aged 21 to 30 and in women aged 11 to 19.

Degenerative meniscal tears occur most often in men aged 40 to 60 years of age.

Now.Aapmr.Org. Accessed July 29 2019. website


Specialist Bursa Pain Treatment Options

TShellz Wrap Knee for meniscus injury acl injury mcl injury or hyperextended knee

MendMeShop Arnica Pain Relief Cream

This universal leg wrap can increase healing rate of a shin, calf, groin, thigh, or hamstring

Orthopaedic Knee Pillow for Sleeping

Mendmeshop Muscle Rub Stick

Knee Compression Support Wrap

Compression Support Socks, Leg and Calf Support